About Donna
Harrisburg Studio Owner
Donna Lucas
Owner & Instructor
Push, push, push. Harder, faster, stronger. That was Donna’s mantra year after year. She has pushed herself in many areas of fitness: running, biking, weight training. While training for a triathlon 5 years ago many people around her were sustaining injuries…she didn’t want to be one of them. She decided to integrate Pilates into her training routine. She wanted her muscles to be strong and flexible. She could see and feel the benefits very quickly. She had a better awareness of her body, and felt longer, leaner, more pliable. She was hooked.
What Donna likes about Pilates is that we are not building bulky muscles. We’re working on those deep muscles, the ones that provide support and allow us to carry ourselves taller, that help us to look and feel stronger and more flexible. It makes a difference in our daily lives.
As a busy mom of 4 kids and 2 young adults, she has always maintained that no matter how busy you are, you HAVE to make time for yourself physically. You just do. She has struggled over the years with that love/hate relationship with fitness and nutrition. Do I really have time to work out? I’d rather take a nap… so many other things to be done… I feel selfish…. it’s… such… an… effort. And yet she has never regretted a workout: that’s the love part!
As a Pilates teacher, Donna loves motivating and encouraging people to reach their goals, and then some.